Nighttime Face-Wash Essentials

We have all witnessed a shift in society, a shift on what we put in and on our bodies. Consumers are no longer settling for what corporations say is safe or not safe. Consumers have driven the market to change in terms of more natural ingredients and less processed products.  Limited to minimal artificial ingredients and more natural, plant-based ingredients are demanded and how great this is!

With this greatness comes an influx of products being thrown in our faces and still the choices can seem oh-so-complicated.  I would say I grew up in a home that was pretty health conscientious ("sugar" cereals were allowed on special occasions, salad was pretty much a side staple during weekday dinners, and my mom used natural deodorant before it was even a thing). Still, drug store shampoo, makeup and conventional household cleaners were used). So the basis for learning and wanting to use healthy and natural ingredients have been part of my mentality from my early teenage years and my desire to learn and use "the healthiest" products is pretty high on my list.  Is everything I use in my home and on my body and what I put in my body the most natural, "healthiest" of products? No, but I truly believe we can start small and by changing one or two products to a more "clean" version, can ultimately lead to a healthier you and home.

Let's strip it down, beginning with the products I use to "strip" away all the makeup, dirt and pollution from my face.  My go-to for over five years for cleansing my face is the Norwex Body Cloth.  Norwex is known for their microfiber cleaning products with baclock properties that remove 99% of bacteria. For now, I will focus on the Norwex Body Cloth. I am sure many of you have seen me talk about and use the cloth on Instagram Stories. I would not promote something I do not use or love. These cloths are so soft and are so easy to use. You wet the cloth, wash your face as you would if using any washcloth, wiping away all eye and face make up, rinse and wring under warm water and use the other side for one last clean wipe. Here are additional benefits of the Norwex Body Cloth:

  • Made from super-soft Norwex Microfiber containing our exclusive BacLock® agent
  • BacLock®, the micro silver agent in the cloth, goes to work with self-purification properties against the mold, fungi and bacterial odor within 24 hours so that it is ready to use again.
  • Ultra-gentle microfiber is super soft on sensitive, delicate and/or mature skin

Select the body cloth's image and it will take you the Norwex link of a highly trusted Norwex consultant, Leah. She can be found on IG @simply.clean.mama and this link will allow you to order any of the Norwex products. Leah is fabulous and will be happy to answer any questions you have.

Back to my nightly face cleansing routine. After my face is freshly washed, I use Trader Joe's Tea Tree (Melaleuca) Oil  as an astringent/antiseptic. I wet a cotton ball with water and place a drop or two of the oil on the cotton ball and then gently wipe my face with the cotton ball (avoiding eyes, lips and underneath the nose). Tea Tree oil has a very distinct smell and is powerful.. Be careful using the first few times or test on the underside of your wrist. To note, this may not be needed for every night use. Also, this is great for keeping breakouts at bay. 

Trader Joe's Spa 100% Australian Tea Tree Oil

For those who do not have a Trader Joe's close by, select the above picture and you can order from Amazon. 

Last, but not least, moisturizer. If you don't know me in person or haven't heard me talk about my skin, it definitely errs on the side of oily and prone to breakouts. I have to be very careful which moisturizers I use. As it gets warmer and more humid (east coast summers), I look for something light but still hydrating. After some searching a few years ago, I found this lovely little number - the FRESH Rose Deep Hydration Serum. 

This product does not have the clean label from Sephora but highlights include: 

- Angelica Leaf Extract 
- Porphyridium Cruentum
- Hyaluronic Acid 

Ingredient Callouts: Free of sulfates SLS and SLES, parabens, and phthalate. 

While it may not be the most "natural" product, it is lightweight and amazingly soft, while still providing moisture.

For some reason, it took me forever to get this post up. The procrastination was real. Here you have it, my nighttime face-wash essentials.  Be on look-out for daytime face-wash/prep soon. 😊

As always, thanks for taking the time to read. Would love to hear from you on IG or in the comments below!

❤ Jess


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