Simple Living (A Work in Progress)

The concept of minimalism has been around for quite sometime and with the KonMari method on the rise, I am sure many of you have begun purging your closets and home. If, however the thought of starting to clean-out gives way to heart palpitations, take a few, deep, meditative breaths and know  you can start small.  Example, here you see a picture of the jeans I currently own.

Yes, four pairs. It wasn't always like that. I probably had 8-10 pairs sitting in my wardrobe last spring when I came-to and questioned why I was holding onto these items I did not wear or that did not "spark joy" (KonMari term, if your curiosity is peaked, check out Marie Kondo's The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up)
The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up: The Japanese Art of Decluttering and Organizing

While I am no expert on KonMari or minimalism, I believe we can all encourage one-another to say good-bye to items that are weighing us down or we are holding onto unnecessarily.   There is a very particular method Marie Kondo follows and urges her readers to follow if you want to live a clutter-free life. I have to say I have not practiced her method to the fullest but have been applying what I think serves me at this time in my life.  Beginning with my jeans, I own exactly what I love and need.  This may be different for you - maybe you are able to wear jeans everyday (my job requires business casual wear so that is not me) and therefore require and want more jeans.  And even now, the dark wash pair that I have owned for over 3 years are starting to fade and lose their shape, so I will probably consider purchasing a new pair next fall to replace that pair.  Believe me, jeans are the starting point in my closet as my legging and work-pant selection could use a purge.

Another good source to look into on this topic can be found at The

The Minimalists 

They offer an array of resources, from films to podcasts to books. 😊

What belongings can you begin to sort through and start deciding what to keep and what to let go?  Or what have you already let go of in your life and feel "lighter" for doing so? Would love to hear! Thanks for visiting!

❤ Jess


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