The Thing We Don't Want To Do

This past week I did it, I finally did it or rather, didn't do it. I didn't drink coffee. I was coffee free for six, yes, six days. And while that may not seem like such a great feat, it was for me. Someone who greatly enjoys her precious cup of taupe colored, sweet but not too sweet, give me that extra burst of energy elixir, it is a big deal. I didn't want to do it for so long. I fought with myself "ahh but it's one of my greatest joys in the morning, it helps me focus on my work when I first get in the office, and it's just so comforting". Though some still may think it's nothing to celebrate, it was for me. I realized I could do it AND I felt way better than I thought I would. This is not about me bragging on some small accomplishment, really, it's about the thing we think we can't do or overcome, is many times the thing we can do and need to do.  

Whether it be health related or an emotional or mental barrier, if it has come to mind and you keep pushing it off,  it is possibly the thing you need to do most.  Maybe it involves giving up a certain food, particular habit, screen time or maybe even a relationship. Or maybe, the change involves adding something new, like going to a new workout class or showing up for a volunteer activity where we don't know anyone. Often, we sit and dwell, thinking of the worst outcome, mulling over the details and how "hard" it will be.  When rather, if we had just begun to take action, we would find it's not nearly as difficult as we imagined. We realize we tortured ourselves for so long contemplating the hardship and actually brought upon more suffering by not moving forward.  We are human and I do believe this part of being human - the wrestling, the struggling to let go, which, in the long run, will only be better for us. And maybe, if this is you, expressing this thought or fear to a trusted friend or mentor, is something you need to do. Expressing the thought or feeling out loud to someone else.  In addition, many of us may think by making a change or giving up something, we need to go all in, 100%, and maybe in certain situations, we do, but maybe, its okay to go slowly. Starting with the thought, expressing it (writing it down, sharing with another person), taking it one day at a time. 

Yes, I am aware that giving up coffee for a few days, does not compare to a bigger emotional task, but maybe by letting go or taking a break from something insignificant, will lead to the bigger, harder, more significant releases that are needed.  You are not alone.  We have others in our life to reach out to. I encourage you to talk with someone you can trust and share your heart. Or maybe the first step for you is being honest with yourself and writing it down. If you feel as though you are unable to reach out to someone in your life, please feel free to reach out to me. 

Inspiration for this post include the author and writing mentor, Allison Fallon @allyfallon on Instagram who has a recent published book, Indestructible. I first heard Ally on the podcast SOUNDS GOOD with Brandon Harvey, which led me to her book and following her on IG. She also can be heard on a recent podcast episode of THE NAKED SOUL with Caleb (Episode 2 - Surrendering to Love). Caleb can be found on IG @caleb_campbell. And last but not least, my go-to inspiration Cara Alwill Leyba @thechampagnediet. I encourage you to check out at least one of these individuals.  

❤ Jess


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