Change and Growth

You know that thing you see all of the sudden? A change, something different, and you are practically blindsided by it?  The other day, I looked at my orchid, the one I have had for four years and was convinced it was not going to bloom this year (moved to a new place in the last year; different environment); I was shocked and thrilled to see a new shoot growing (it really is the little things).  Please note: I do take care of the orchid, providing it with the recommended weekly ice cube and making sure it gets as much sunlight as my apartment will allow; however during this time in years past, it would have bloomed by now and in the last month I found myself saying,  "I guess it isn't happening this year". Lo and behold, when I spotted out of the corner of my eye, a new and beautiful green shoot.  It made me think how change is always happening around us, under our very noses, and many times, we don't realize it until we see a tangible result. What led to that specific result/end game?

Here are some of my musings, if you care to continue reading (which I hope you do 😁)!  If you have been doing the mental work to make changes, whether inside or out, change will occur, even if you don't see it right away. On that note,  I am going to share an experience from a yoga class a few days ago.  In this particular class where "yoga experience is a plus" there is typically a time in the class when a new pose is introduced, usually building on previous experience/poses that the general population of the class knows and has been practicing. When this time came around in months past, my general thought process was "that looks too hard" or "I won't be able to get that today".  However, in this particular class (and the one before it, now that I think about it), I was able to do the pose when I tried (might have not been for a long period of time and was far from "perfect" ) but I was able to move my body the way our guide demonstrated. So what changed? My mindset. I have been working on the " I can do this" mentality and and the "not being concerned with what others think of me" awareness. I have been continually providing my mind with positive affirmations. What a difference it has made! And what does this have to do with an orchid shoot? Well... keep on "taking care of your orchid" (whatever that may be in your life), giving it the required "ice cube" and "sunlight". 😊 We may not see the results right away, but eventually what we have been doing to cultivate growth will produce results. Be patient and consistent. Continue to hone in on the positive in your life and work on cutting out the negativity.

Is there a result you have seen in your life due to a change in routine or mental practice/awareness?  Would love to hear!


Practice exercise example: You are feeling down by comparing yourself to others or are not where you want to be in life. Start noting what you are grateful for in your life. Make a note of something different everyday for a week. This one small step can help lead to a more positive mindset and may spur you on the path to take the steps you need to get to where you want to be. 


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